(Versão em português, no meu outro blog, aqui)
Yesterday I went to get books for my son in the Public Library of Dresden, and came back with a story to tell.
I was looking for books on the bookshelf of Bildbücher (book images) when "puft", a book fell on my head !!!
The book was marked with my lipstick because, so surprised, I rubbed it a little on my face so it does not fall to the floor. So, chance put him in my head, that is, in my hands, I opened for to read.
Yesterday I went to get books for my son in the Public Library of Dresden, and came back with a story to tell.
I was looking for books on the bookshelf of Bildbücher (book images) when "puft", a book fell on my head !!!
The book was marked with my lipstick because, so surprised, I rubbed it a little on my face so it does not fall to the floor. So, chance put him in my head, that is, in my hands, I opened for to read.
The book is the Boje-verlag publishing house, of 2008, "Der Zauberer Korinthe" (The Magic Korinthe) and had by all pages in the footsteps of magician, fell into a inkwell. The book was little colorful to attract attention of my son, but I kept flipping through it, to give another chance and understand why.
While reading it, I realized the rhymes, poetry, was a picture book as well, and the last page was a musical score, and maybe it was a lyric, was not sure at that time.
If it were a song, it would have on Youtube! And there I found many videos reciting poetry and singing only three (want to try, here).
The book's author, James Krüss, next to the Josef Guggenmos, were two great authors of German nursery rhymes from the mid-twentieth century until today, according Rechou et al. 2009 (*).
I did not like the book, it was not as interesting as the others, but I brought it home and try to make my son an interest, because the book wanted me and not vice versa. I do not believe in spirits, nor in ghosts, but I believe in magic, now at Magic Korinthe.
(*) RECHOU, Blanca-Ana R., LÓPEZ, Isabel, RODRÍGUEZ, Marta N., 2009. A Poesía Infantil do Século XXI (2000-2008), Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia.
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